The geoportal was developed with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 20-37-70055).
Our goal - building a deep understanding of global, regional and local problems of development of systems of nature-population-economy, offer constructive solutions to optimize their functioning, to be leaders in their implementation. We create an accessible reference database on all known geographical objects in the Internet, problems of preserving the natural and cultural heritage of the republic. We stand for an open and proper discussion of ecological and socio-economic problems of Mordovia in the framework of our specialties, and we welcome any mutual professionals each other.
We attract young local historians interested in geography, ecology and Geoinformatics to participate in competitions and scientific research on topical issues of ecological and socio-economic development of Mordovia, Russia's sustainable development. We welcome everyone a fruitful exchange of experience in solving ecological and socio-economic problems of Mordovia, carry out the work on the publication of scientific and popular literature, conferences, that will serve as our ultimate goals - the formation of the cultural landscape of the Mordovia region. We are guided by the interests of consumers, partners, employees and society as a whole.
Our values:
honesty and openness;
dedication to the common cause;
focus on continuous improvement.
We unite people and knowledge, promoting the idea of sustainable ecological and socio-economic development of Mordovia as part of Russia and the world community.