An important role in the reproduction of fixed assets and the solution of the housing problem is played by the construction industry. About 60 large and medium construction and assembly organizations, 20 enterprises of the building materials industry and construction industry, more than 10 design and survey and research organizations operate in the republic. The construction industry of the republic is carrying out large-scale work on commissioning new production facilities, production and social infrastructure facilities, expansion and improvement of the housing stock. The largest construction organizations are JSC Holding Company Saranskstroyzakazchik and JSC Trust Mordovpromstroy. Their share in the total volume of contract works produced on the territory of the republic is more than 17%. The total volume in 2010 amounted to 17,355 million rubles, an increase of 2.4 times in comparison with 2006. More than 1,306,000 m² of housing were built. Gas networks have been introduced much more than in neighboring regions, which has made it possible to increase the availability of rural areas from 29 to 98%. Large capital investments through federal and republican funds are used to build roads and water networks.