The Republic of Mordovia belongs to the industrial-agrarian type of the regions of the Russian Federation. It has significant production, economic, scientific and intellectual potential. Its competitive advantages are: favorable geographical position, proximity to the main centers of consumption of products; developed industrial and social infrastructure, as well as information technology and communications systems.
The gross regional product (GRP) currently stands at 98.9 billion rubles, per capita - 112 thousand rubles. In the total GRP, manufacturing accounts for 20.7%, agriculture, hunting and forestry - 17.4, wholesale and retail trade - 13.3, construction - 9.4, transport and communications - 8.3%. The leading sectors of the economy are industry and agriculture, due to which the growth of value added is mainly ensured.
At present three cluster structures are being formed in the economy of the republic:
production "locomotives", which primarily include the production of electrical products, the construction materials industry (cement production) and transport engineering (car building);
Innovative cluster associated with the production of science-intensive and high-tech products;
cluster in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex.
The region's industry specializes in the production of electrical products (including lighting, electronic, optical equipment), a wide range of cable products, transport engineering (car building) products, construction materials, and agro-industrial products. The largest enterprises of the Republic of Moldova are the holding company Optik-Energo, LLC Saranskkabel-optika, OJSC Electrovypryamitel, OAO Saransk Plant, Rezinotekhnika, JSC Saransk Television Plant, ZAO Ruzaevsky Glass Factory, OJSC Orbita , JSC "Biokhimik" and others.
In the field of the building materials industry, OJSC Mordovcement is one of the largest manufacturers of packaged and unpackaged cement in Russia, and Lato, the manufacturer of slate, asbestos-cement and chrysotile cement pipes. The largest enterprise in the transport engineering industry is JSC "Carriage Building Company of Mordovia".
At present, a unique cluster structure of innovative development is being formed in the republic, which includes the Technopark-Mordovia, Mordovia National Research University. N.P. Ogaryova, the Center for Nanotechnologies, two venture and other innovative business support funds, the Business Incubator, and the Republican Lyceum are the center for gifted children.
JSC "Technopark-Mordovia" specializes in the fields of energy-saving lighting, electronic instrumentation, optoelectronics, fiber optics and information technologies. On its basis a high-tech center for data processing, protection and storage operates the DATA-center. Participants of the project of the innovation center "Skolkovo" are LLC "Optik-Fiber", LLC "Polycomponent".
Particular attention within the emerging innovative cluster is given to the development of a network of small and medium-sized innovative business enterprises.
Enterprises such as OpticEnergo LLC, SARMAT LLC, Leader-Compound CJSC were put into operation. Together with OJSC "RUSNANO", a project is being developed to create the first domestic production of optical fiber. It is focused on import substitution of components and materials required for the cable industry.
Together with the Physico-Technical Institute named after AF Ioffe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project "Creation of high-power high-voltage field-effect transistors based on silicon carbide" is implemented, which has the status of the Skolkovo project. 12 agreements have been concluded with the largest research centers, with the Russian Academy of Sciences for a number of projects in the field of electronic instrumentation and fiber optics.
The cluster policy implemented in the Republic of Mordovia contributes to the preservation of the region's stable positions in the domestic and international markets.
Mineral and raw materials base of Mordovia provides production of cement, asbestos cement products, roofing materials, reinforced concrete products, wall materials, building ceramics, facing and other materials.
One of the largest enterprises for the production of cement in the Russian Federation OJSC Mordovcement. It accounts for more than 60% of the total production of construction materials in Mordovia. The enterprise has carried out work on reconstruction of existing production facilities and commissioning of new production facilities with the use of modern technologies and imported materials, which makes it possible to increase production volumes steadily. The total production capacity of the company is 5.54 million tons for the clinker and 6.1 million tons for cement per year. Certification of six types of cement in the testing center "Tseiskon" for compliance with Russian and European standards was carried out. Cement grades 400 and 500 are certified as class 42,5Н (normally hardening) under the new international standard.
The gross regional product (GRP) currently stands at 98.9 billion rubles, per capita - 112 thousand rubles. In the total GRP, manufacturing accounts for 20.7%, agriculture, hunting and forestry - 17.4, wholesale and retail trade - 13.3, construction - 9.4, transport and communications - 8.3%. The leading sectors of the economy are industry and agriculture, due to which the growth of value added is mainly ensured.
At present three cluster structures are being formed in the economy of the republic:
production "locomotives", which primarily include the production of electrical products, the construction materials industry (cement production) and transport engineering (car building);
Innovative cluster associated with the production of science-intensive and high-tech products;
cluster in the sphere of the agro-industrial complex.
The region's industry specializes in the production of electrical products (including lighting, electronic, optical equipment), a wide range of cable products, transport engineering (car building) products, construction materials, and agro-industrial products. The largest enterprises of the Republic of Moldova are the holding company Optik-Energo, LLC Saranskkabel-optika, OJSC Electrovypryamitel, OAO Saransk Plant, Rezinotekhnika, JSC Saransk Television Plant, ZAO Ruzaevsky Glass Factory, OJSC Orbita , JSC "Biokhimik" and others.
In the field of the building materials industry, OJSC Mordovcement is one of the largest manufacturers of packaged and unpackaged cement in Russia, and Lato, the manufacturer of slate, asbestos-cement and chrysotile cement pipes. The largest enterprise in the transport engineering industry is JSC "Carriage Building Company of Mordovia".
At present, a unique cluster structure of innovative development is being formed in the republic, which includes the Technopark-Mordovia, Mordovia National Research University. N.P. Ogaryova, the Center for Nanotechnologies, two venture and other innovative business support funds, the Business Incubator, and the Republican Lyceum are the center for gifted children.
JSC "Technopark-Mordovia" specializes in the fields of energy-saving lighting, electronic instrumentation, optoelectronics, fiber optics and information technologies. On its basis a high-tech center for data processing, protection and storage operates the DATA-center. Participants of the project of the innovation center "Skolkovo" are LLC "Optik-Fiber", LLC "Polycomponent".
Particular attention within the emerging innovative cluster is given to the development of a network of small and medium-sized innovative business enterprises.
Enterprises such as OpticEnergo LLC, SARMAT LLC, Leader-Compound CJSC were put into operation. Together with OJSC "RUSNANO", a project is being developed to create the first domestic production of optical fiber. It is focused on import substitution of components and materials required for the cable industry.
Together with the Physico-Technical Institute named after AF Ioffe of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the project "Creation of high-power high-voltage field-effect transistors based on silicon carbide" is implemented, which has the status of the Skolkovo project. 12 agreements have been concluded with the largest research centers, with the Russian Academy of Sciences for a number of projects in the field of electronic instrumentation and fiber optics.
The cluster policy implemented in the Republic of Mordovia contributes to the preservation of the region's stable positions in the domestic and international markets.
Mineral and raw materials base of Mordovia provides production of cement, asbestos cement products, roofing materials, reinforced concrete products, wall materials, building ceramics, facing and other materials.
One of the largest enterprises for the production of cement in the Russian Federation OJSC Mordovcement. It accounts for more than 60% of the total production of construction materials in Mordovia. The enterprise has carried out work on reconstruction of existing production facilities and commissioning of new production facilities with the use of modern technologies and imported materials, which makes it possible to increase production volumes steadily. The total production capacity of the company is 5.54 million tons for the clinker and 6.1 million tons for cement per year. Certification of six types of cement in the testing center "Tseiskon" for compliance with Russian and European standards was carried out. Cement grades 400 and 500 are certified as class 42,5Н (normally hardening) under the new international standard.