The area is 1 056 km2. The population is 11.9 thousand people. (2010). Center - with. Fir-trees.
The region is located in the north-west of the republic in the landscapes of mixed forests of water-glacial and ancient alluvial plains. In the forest landscapes of the sandy water-glacial plains of the Yelniki District, 7 PAs are identified, among which the Pichinhushinsky swamp in the Krasnoslobodsky forestry, the Moksha flood plain between the villages of Mel'syany, Starodovichi and Kamenny Brod, the oak forest belt near Starodievichy, Lake Inorka are of particular interest. In the floodplain ecosystems, the Dubrovnik, the quail, the corncrake, the great godwit, the magpie-magpie, the crested duck, the lake and the small gull, the large and small, the large curlew, nest. In the boggy forests at the mouth of the river. Urquat marked a large colony of gray heron, a large spotted eagle, a dwarf eagle. In Moksha and its tributaries there is a steerage-goby, a brook lamprey. Between the villages of Mordovian Pošaty and Mordovian Korino in the near-water ecosystems a desman is inhabited.
On the territory of the Elnikovo region 58 monuments are registered: 18 - history, 8 - urban planning and architecture, 3 - art, 29 - archeology. Among the oldest monuments in the cultural landscape are the fortresses Barsuchiy Ovrag, Bolshoy Stan, Gorodok, Kangush, Muravlyanskoe, Pichinguushinsky. An architectural monument of federal significance is the Church of the Intercession (1784) in the village. Stone Brod.
Deposits of minerals are confined to quaternary deposits: brick loam (Elnikovo), construction sands (Aleksandrovskoye); manifestations of brick loam (Vacheevskoe, Novokadyshevskoe), expanded clay (Zhdankovskoe), construction sand (Lepchenskoye, Staropichingushinsky). Particularly distinguished deposits of carbonate rocks on crushed stone (Budaevskoe), confined to the outputs of limestone and dolomite of Carboniferous age. On the territory of the district, the Upper Carboniferous-Assel and Upper Carboniferous aquifers are exploited for centralized water supply, reserves - 148.6 thousand m3 / day. The waters are of good quality. Their mineralization varies from 0.2 to 0.6 g / dm3. According to the chemical composition of water, sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium or calcium-magnesium.
The Moksha River flows through the territory of the region, it receives the waters of the rivers Urkat and Varma. The area of the Moksha catchment in the range from. Old town is 13 720 km2. The average long-term runoff is 46.6 m3 / s; its annual volume is 1,471 million m3.
Sod podzol (45%) and gray forest (21%) soils prevail in the structure of the soil cover; In the southwestern part of the region, chernozems are common (16%); the share of floodplain soils is 11%. Under forests, about 26.5 thousand hectares, or 25.2%, under bushes - 7.5% of the area of the municipality.
The district specializes in dairy and beef cattle breeding. Natural conditions allow to grow ecologically pure products, for example, potatoes, food rye. The organization of small enterprises based on the use of woodworking wastes is also of particular interest. Large deposits of calcareous stone are discovered on the territory of the district, on the basis of which the quarry operates. All settlements of the district are connected to the regional center by roads with asphalt covering, the area is completely gasified.
Elniki is a Russian village; the center of the Elnikovo district (since 1935). The population is 5.6 thousand people. (2010).
The village was founded in the late 16th century. In the landscapes of mixed forests on the Malaya Varma River. Name-characteristic: the settlement was laid at the spruce forest (spruce forest). In 1780, the stone church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was built. Its shrine was a small image of the Kazan Mother of God. In the XIX century. in connection with the growing trade in grain along the river. Moksha and the presence of lime groves around the village develops a cobble-and-hole fishing. At the beginning of the XX century. in the village there functioned a parish school, a hospital, a mechanical and a windmill, churning machines, sherstochesky, smithies, bakeries. In the village there are monuments to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, VI Lenin. Elnikov is the homeland of the actor IS Smagin.
In 1944, the Yelnikovsky Starch Plant began operation. In the XXI century. Elniki is a transport hub in the system of highways of republican and local significance. From the enterprises located here, the Elnikovo radio factory is allocated. Other industrial enterprises - dairy and starch plants, woodworking and industrial plants are based on local raw materials. The village has a comprehensive school, a central district hospital, a culture center, a cinema, a museum.
Stone Brod - a Russian village on the river. Moksha. The layout is dominated by street linear buildings. Population 80 people. (2010). The term is a ford - a shallow place in the river, possible for passage, travel. The definition of "stone" indicates that near the settlement in the canal of Moksha, the day surface is covered with coal limestones and dolomites. The church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1784), built in late Baroque forms, has been preserved in the village.
The region is located in the north-west of the republic in the landscapes of mixed forests of water-glacial and ancient alluvial plains. In the forest landscapes of the sandy water-glacial plains of the Yelniki District, 7 PAs are identified, among which the Pichinhushinsky swamp in the Krasnoslobodsky forestry, the Moksha flood plain between the villages of Mel'syany, Starodovichi and Kamenny Brod, the oak forest belt near Starodievichy, Lake Inorka are of particular interest. In the floodplain ecosystems, the Dubrovnik, the quail, the corncrake, the great godwit, the magpie-magpie, the crested duck, the lake and the small gull, the large and small, the large curlew, nest. In the boggy forests at the mouth of the river. Urquat marked a large colony of gray heron, a large spotted eagle, a dwarf eagle. In Moksha and its tributaries there is a steerage-goby, a brook lamprey. Between the villages of Mordovian Pošaty and Mordovian Korino in the near-water ecosystems a desman is inhabited.
On the territory of the Elnikovo region 58 monuments are registered: 18 - history, 8 - urban planning and architecture, 3 - art, 29 - archeology. Among the oldest monuments in the cultural landscape are the fortresses Barsuchiy Ovrag, Bolshoy Stan, Gorodok, Kangush, Muravlyanskoe, Pichinguushinsky. An architectural monument of federal significance is the Church of the Intercession (1784) in the village. Stone Brod.
Deposits of minerals are confined to quaternary deposits: brick loam (Elnikovo), construction sands (Aleksandrovskoye); manifestations of brick loam (Vacheevskoe, Novokadyshevskoe), expanded clay (Zhdankovskoe), construction sand (Lepchenskoye, Staropichingushinsky). Particularly distinguished deposits of carbonate rocks on crushed stone (Budaevskoe), confined to the outputs of limestone and dolomite of Carboniferous age. On the territory of the district, the Upper Carboniferous-Assel and Upper Carboniferous aquifers are exploited for centralized water supply, reserves - 148.6 thousand m3 / day. The waters are of good quality. Their mineralization varies from 0.2 to 0.6 g / dm3. According to the chemical composition of water, sulfate-hydrocarbonate magnesium-calcium or calcium-magnesium.
The Moksha River flows through the territory of the region, it receives the waters of the rivers Urkat and Varma. The area of the Moksha catchment in the range from. Old town is 13 720 km2. The average long-term runoff is 46.6 m3 / s; its annual volume is 1,471 million m3.
Sod podzol (45%) and gray forest (21%) soils prevail in the structure of the soil cover; In the southwestern part of the region, chernozems are common (16%); the share of floodplain soils is 11%. Under forests, about 26.5 thousand hectares, or 25.2%, under bushes - 7.5% of the area of the municipality.
The district specializes in dairy and beef cattle breeding. Natural conditions allow to grow ecologically pure products, for example, potatoes, food rye. The organization of small enterprises based on the use of woodworking wastes is also of particular interest. Large deposits of calcareous stone are discovered on the territory of the district, on the basis of which the quarry operates. All settlements of the district are connected to the regional center by roads with asphalt covering, the area is completely gasified.
Elniki is a Russian village; the center of the Elnikovo district (since 1935). The population is 5.6 thousand people. (2010).
The village was founded in the late 16th century. In the landscapes of mixed forests on the Malaya Varma River. Name-characteristic: the settlement was laid at the spruce forest (spruce forest). In 1780, the stone church of the Transfiguration of the Lord was built. Its shrine was a small image of the Kazan Mother of God. In the XIX century. in connection with the growing trade in grain along the river. Moksha and the presence of lime groves around the village develops a cobble-and-hole fishing. At the beginning of the XX century. in the village there functioned a parish school, a hospital, a mechanical and a windmill, churning machines, sherstochesky, smithies, bakeries. In the village there are monuments to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, VI Lenin. Elnikov is the homeland of the actor IS Smagin.
In 1944, the Yelnikovsky Starch Plant began operation. In the XXI century. Elniki is a transport hub in the system of highways of republican and local significance. From the enterprises located here, the Elnikovo radio factory is allocated. Other industrial enterprises - dairy and starch plants, woodworking and industrial plants are based on local raw materials. The village has a comprehensive school, a central district hospital, a culture center, a cinema, a museum.
Stone Brod - a Russian village on the river. Moksha. The layout is dominated by street linear buildings. Population 80 people. (2010). The term is a ford - a shallow place in the river, possible for passage, travel. The definition of "stone" indicates that near the settlement in the canal of Moksha, the day surface is covered with coal limestones and dolomites. The church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1784), built in late Baroque forms, has been preserved in the village.