The area is 298 km2. The population is 7.9 thousand people. (2010). Center - r. etc. Kadoshkino.
The region is located in the forest-steppe landscapes of the secondary moraine plains of the marginal part of the Volga Upland, in the central part of Mordovia. To preserve the natural heritage, it is necessary to organize a botanical nature monument in the oak and floodplain of the river. Issa near the village of Economic Polyanka.
26 monuments were registered in the territory of Kadoshkinsky district: 11 - history, 4 - town planning and architecture, 5 - art, 6 - archeology. About the antiquity of the cultural landscape witness the settlements of the Bronze Age near the villages of Sialeyevsky Maydan and Payovo, an ancient settlement near the village of Economic Polyany, Adashevo.
Memorable dates of the district: 1935 - the formation of the Kadoshkin district (abolished in 1963); 1965 - commissioning of an electrical plant in the river. Kadoshkino (now - Lisma - Kadoshkin Electrotechnical Plant), 1991 - the revival of the Kadoshkinsky district.
Minerals are represented by deposits of brick clay (Kadoshkinskoe, Kadoshkinskoye-2), brick loam (Yumatovskoe), etc. The medium-coal-bearing aquifer is operated on the territory of the region. The operational reserves of groundwater 46,5 thousand m3 / day. The mineralization of the extracted waters varies between 0.4 and 0.5 g / dm3. The chemical composition of the water is chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate. There is an increased content of fluorine - up to 3.0 mg / dm3.
The largest rivers are Issa, Sivin, Potizh. In the area the main surface source is the Potig River. Surface runoff resources are not used enough, there are 2 ponds with a volume of 1 075 thousand m3. For a more complete use of it, it is necessary to carry out water and technical surveys, Potizh, to identify the possibility of dam construction and the creation of seasonal regulation ponds for use in agricultural production, aquaculture, recreational and other purposes.
The structure of the soil cover is dominated by gray forest (43%), chernozem (26%) and floodplain (16%) soils. Natural vegetation is represented by oak forests. Under forests, 30.7% are occupied, and under bushes - 0.9% of the area.
Most of the population is engaged in agriculture. Many of the region's economic successes are connected with the industrial enterprise - Lisma-Kadoshkinsky Electrotechnical Plant. Now it is one of the largest and technologically advanced enterprises in Mordovia. Most settlements of the region are connected by paved roads, in all villages there is gas and telephone communication.
Kadoshkino - Russian working settlement (since 1968); center of Kadoshkinsky district (since 1991). Population -
4.7 thousand people. (2010).
The settlement was founded in the 90s of the XIX century. when building the Moscow-Kazan railway. In 1930 there were 59 people living in the village. Name-anthroponym: before the founding of the settlement, the road-keeper at the crossing, as the old-timers say, worked a man named Kadoshkin. In the village there are monuments to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, VI Lenin.
The socio-economic development of the settlement was determined by the situation on the railway and the regional highway. The planning structure of the regional center is compact. The railway runs half-way through its territory from west to north-east, leaving the main residential area in the north-western part. Warehouses, bases are located to the south and east of the railway. Territorial development of the village is planned in the western and north-eastern directions. The largest enterprises are Lisma-Kadoshkin Electrotechnical Plant, dairy and agro-industrial enterprises. There are 2 schools, a library, the Kadoshkin Central Regional Hospital.
The region is located in the forest-steppe landscapes of the secondary moraine plains of the marginal part of the Volga Upland, in the central part of Mordovia. To preserve the natural heritage, it is necessary to organize a botanical nature monument in the oak and floodplain of the river. Issa near the village of Economic Polyanka.
26 monuments were registered in the territory of Kadoshkinsky district: 11 - history, 4 - town planning and architecture, 5 - art, 6 - archeology. About the antiquity of the cultural landscape witness the settlements of the Bronze Age near the villages of Sialeyevsky Maydan and Payovo, an ancient settlement near the village of Economic Polyany, Adashevo.
Memorable dates of the district: 1935 - the formation of the Kadoshkin district (abolished in 1963); 1965 - commissioning of an electrical plant in the river. Kadoshkino (now - Lisma - Kadoshkin Electrotechnical Plant), 1991 - the revival of the Kadoshkinsky district.
Minerals are represented by deposits of brick clay (Kadoshkinskoe, Kadoshkinskoye-2), brick loam (Yumatovskoe), etc. The medium-coal-bearing aquifer is operated on the territory of the region. The operational reserves of groundwater 46,5 thousand m3 / day. The mineralization of the extracted waters varies between 0.4 and 0.5 g / dm3. The chemical composition of the water is chloride-sulfate-hydrocarbonate. There is an increased content of fluorine - up to 3.0 mg / dm3.
The largest rivers are Issa, Sivin, Potizh. In the area the main surface source is the Potig River. Surface runoff resources are not used enough, there are 2 ponds with a volume of 1 075 thousand m3. For a more complete use of it, it is necessary to carry out water and technical surveys, Potizh, to identify the possibility of dam construction and the creation of seasonal regulation ponds for use in agricultural production, aquaculture, recreational and other purposes.
The structure of the soil cover is dominated by gray forest (43%), chernozem (26%) and floodplain (16%) soils. Natural vegetation is represented by oak forests. Under forests, 30.7% are occupied, and under bushes - 0.9% of the area.
Most of the population is engaged in agriculture. Many of the region's economic successes are connected with the industrial enterprise - Lisma-Kadoshkinsky Electrotechnical Plant. Now it is one of the largest and technologically advanced enterprises in Mordovia. Most settlements of the region are connected by paved roads, in all villages there is gas and telephone communication.
Kadoshkino - Russian working settlement (since 1968); center of Kadoshkinsky district (since 1991). Population -
4.7 thousand people. (2010).
The settlement was founded in the 90s of the XIX century. when building the Moscow-Kazan railway. In 1930 there were 59 people living in the village. Name-anthroponym: before the founding of the settlement, the road-keeper at the crossing, as the old-timers say, worked a man named Kadoshkin. In the village there are monuments to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, VI Lenin.
The socio-economic development of the settlement was determined by the situation on the railway and the regional highway. The planning structure of the regional center is compact. The railway runs half-way through its territory from west to north-east, leaving the main residential area in the north-western part. Warehouses, bases are located to the south and east of the railway. Territorial development of the village is planned in the western and north-eastern directions. The largest enterprises are Lisma-Kadoshkin Electrotechnical Plant, dairy and agro-industrial enterprises. There are 2 schools, a library, the Kadoshkin Central Regional Hospital.