In the Republic of Mordovia, 1 525 rivers, their total length is more than 9 thousand km, 86% of them are less than 10 km long. 47% of the total area of the republic belongs to the basin of Sura, 53% - Moksha. Of the 12,260 km2 area of the Sura catchment area, 7,880 is occupied by the Alatyr basin, 3,860 - the basin of Insara. Of the 13,920 km2 of the Moksha Basin, 4,330 are occupied by the Wada Basin, 2,200 - by the Pools. 24 small rivers and 206 very small rivers and streams flow into Sur, 30 small rivers and 185 very small rivers and streams into Moksha.
The rivers of the Moksha basin, flowing along the Oka-Don lowland, form wide valleys with plain floodplains and terraces above the floodplain in conditions of flat terrain. For the rivers of the Sura basin (Privolzhskaya Upland), active erosion and deep valleys are characteristic. In the summer, they become shallow to small watercourses, in spring they are stormy. For rivers, especially the Moksha basin, there is a small drop and a relatively slow flow (0.1-0.4 m / s). The width of the channels (as well as the valleys) increases downstream, but this regularity in certain areas is disturbed by local features (tectonic structures, lithological formations, etc.).
Rivers have mixed food: snow is prevalent - 60-90%, underground - 7-20, the value of rain summer-autumn flood 5-10%. The water discharge is largely affected by the catchment area. The greatest average annual consumption is in Sura, Moksha, Alatyr. By the nature of the intra-annual distribution of runoff, the rivers belong to the Eastern European type, which is distinguished by a high spring flood, low summer and winter low water, high runoff during the autumn period.
Flood begins in late March - early April, reaches a maximum in mid-April, falls to the middle of May. The climb lasts 10-12, the recession takes 20-25 days. In the years of early or late spring, the floods are shifted by 1-2 decades. On average, for a long period the snow runoff is 87-99%, rainfall - up to 3, underground - 1-10%. At the beginning of June, a stable low water level is established on most rivers, continuing until the beginning and the middle of October. The increase in runoff in the warm season is observed annually, but there are no clearly defined rain floods in certain years. In late November - early December, a winter low-water season is established.
The average annual flow modulus ranges from 3.5 to 5 l / s per 1 km.
The water temperature depends on the season and the length of the rivers, it varies under the influence of the waters of the tributaries and the discharge of groundwater. The maximum temperature at the surface in the summer is about 20 ºС. Ledostav usually formed in late November - the first half of December, lasts 4-5 months. The thickness of ice at the end of winter is 40-60 cm, and in cold, little snow-covered winters - up to 1 m.
The flow of sediment of rivers is determined mainly by the processes of plane flushing. The predominant part of the annual run-off of sediments (75-95%) occurs in the spring months, the smallest - in winter (1-4%). Turbidity of water depends on the planar erosion in the basin. The average annual turbidity varies from 100 to 500 g / m3 during the spring flood to 25-50 g / m3 during the summer-autumn and winter seasons.
According to the chemical composition of the water of rivers belong to the class of hydrocarbonate. Their mineralization is on the average 200-500 mg / dm3.
Moksha, the second largest river in Mordovia, is the right tributary of the Oka. Its length is 656 km (in the Republic of 320 km). The catchment area is 51,000 km2 (in the republic there are 13,920 km2). The river originates south of the river. Mokshan village of the Penza region, flows into the Oka at a 350-kilometer distance from the mouth in the Ryazan region. The average annual water discharge from Temnikov is 55.2 m3 / s. The greatest depth of the Moksha in the region of the confluence of the river. Sivini - 11.0 m (Sivinskaya pit). The width of the floodplain reaches 10 km. The bottom of the river is predominantly sandy, the plains are muddy, on the rapids - stony (upper-Carboniferous limestones). The total mineralization is 330-680 mg / l. The largest tributaries of Moksha in the territory of Mordovia are Issa, Sivin, Urkat, Satis, Urey, and Big Axel. In Mordovia on Moksha there are the cities of Kovylkino, Krasnoslobodsk, Temnikov, with. Tengushevo.
Sura is the right tributary of the Volga. It originates from. Sursky Peaks of the Ulyanovsk region, flows in the Penza, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod regions, in Mordovia and Chuvashia. Its length is 841 km (120 km on the territory of the republic), the catchment area is 67,500 km2, the density of the river network is 0.47%, the lakes and marshes are less than 1%. Sura is a flat river with a moderately winding riverbed. The depth of the river varies from 0.3 to 0.7-0.8 m on the ruts, from 3 to 5 m on the reaches. The current velocity is from 0.3 to 1.0 m / s. The coefficient of density of the river network is 0.24 km / km2. The width of the Sura channel is 80-160 m. The annual water discharge in the range is from. Kadyshevo 98.5 m3 / s, the average flow modulus is 3.6 l / s from 1 km2. The average annual mineralization of water is 400-550 g / dm3. The largest rivers of the Sura basin in the territory of Mordovia are Alatyr, Insar, Piana. On Sura is located the regional center of Mordovia - the village of Bolshie Berezniki.
Alatyr is the left tributary of Sura. Its length is 296 km (in Mordovia is 130 km). The basin area is 11,200 km2 (in Mordovia 7,880 km2). It starts in 9 km to the north-west from. Alatyr of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Coefficient of tortuosity 1.48. Average water discharge at the river. The village of Turgenevo is 40.3 m3 / s. The density of the river network is 0.57 km / km2. The pool is sharply asymmetric: the right bank is 74%, the left bank - 26% of the total area. Meadow steppes, broad-leaved and mixed forests are widespread. Swamps are lowland. On the territory of the Alatyr basin, the area of lakes is less than 1%, mires - less than 1%, forests - 25%. Mineralization of water 300 - 450 mg / dm3. The main tributaries are the Irset, Rudnya, Kemlyatka, Insar, Nuya, Ineleika, Barakhmanka. Alatyr is located in the city of Ardatov, r. village of Turgenevo.
Insar is the right tributary of Alatyr. The length of the river is 168 km, the area of the basin is 3,860 km2 (on the territory of the republic is 3,820 km2). Insar starts at 5 km from the village. Boldovo Ruzaevsky district. The density of the river network is 0.62 km / km2. Coefficient of tortuosity 1.59. The basin is mostly plowed up. Lakes and swamps occupy less than 1%, forests - 8% of the total area. The food of the river is mixed. The average water discharge in Insara near Saransk is 7.96 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.7-4.0 l / s with 1 km2. The main tributaries are Karnai, Tavla, Penzyatka, Amorda, Big Atma, Ladka. The average mineralization is 300-450 mg / dm3. On the river are the cities of Ruzaevka, Saransk, r. the village of Romodanovo.
Issa is the right tributary of Moksha. The length is 149 km (within the republic 98 km). The basin area is 2 350 km2 (in Mordovia is 1,790 km2). Issa originates from the village of Bereznikovsky in the Luninsky district of the Penza region. Flows through the secondary morainic plain. The width of the channel in the lower reaches 50 m. The average depth in the lower reaches is 1.0 - 1.5 m. The coefficient of tortuosity is 2.11. The density of the river network is 0.43 km / km2. Average water discharge at. The reserve is 6.71 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.47 l / s with 1 km2. The main tributaries are Insarca and Seitma. On Issus is located the city of Insar.
Sivin is the right tributary of the Moksha. The length of 124 km, the area of the basin is 1,830 km2 Sivin originates from the river. etc. Kadoshkino. The density of the river network is 0.54 km / km2. The width of the channel in the lower reaches reaches 30 m, the depth is 3 m. The bottom is sandy, near the village. Sivin stony (limestone). Coefficient of tortuosity 1.52. The average water flow is 4.4 m3 / s, the flow module is 4.0 l / s with 1 km2. The prevailing flow velocity is from 0.02 to 0.4 m / s. Mineralization of water 300-400 mg / dm3. Transparency 0.3-0.5 m. The largest tributaries of Sivini - Ozhga, Avgura, Shishkeevka, Modaevka. On the river is the district center of Old Shaygovo.
Wad is the left tributary of the Moksha. The length is 222 km (within the limits of Mordovia 114 km). The basin area is 6 500 km2 (4 330 km2 on the territory of the republic). The river originates from Pokrovka village of the Penza region and flows in the western part of Mordovia along the water-glacial plain. The width of the channel reaches 30 m, the depth is about 1 m. On the banks in the low water the depth varies from 0.20 to 0.30 m. The coefficient of tortuosity is 1.56. The density of the river network is 0.35 km / km2. Average water discharge at. Avdalovo is 7.47 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.85 l / s from 1 km2. The largest tributaries on the territory of the republic are the Partz and Javas. Settlements on the river: Zhukovka, Vadovskie Selishchi.
Partzha is the right tributary of Wada. The length is 117 km (92 km in Mordovia), the basin area is 2,700 km2 (2,200 km2 on the territory of the republic). It originates from. Abashevo in the Penza region. The density of the river network is 0.33 km / km2, the channel width is up to 15 m, the depth is up to 1.5 m. The average long-term flow modulus is 3.42 l / s with 1 km2. On the river is the regional center of Zubov Polyana.
Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters
In terms of the amount of mineralization, the surface waters of Mordovia during the spring high waters refer to waters with very small and small mineralization. This is due to the fact that with the beginning of snow melting, waters with a small mineralization are formed on the surface of the catchments. They are partly filtered into the aeration zone, the remaining part flows into the river network, thereby reducing the mineralization of river waters. The mineralization of waters in high water ranges from 60-130 mg / dm3. The lowest values are observed in high-water high waters. During the summer season, when river feeding is mainly due to groundwater, the salinity of surface waters is significantly increased, varying from 350 to 680 mg / dm3. During the winter period, when there is no surface nutrition, salinity of river water reaches 750 mg / dm3.
River sediment discharge
The coefficients of variation of the flow rate of the solid run vary from 0.35 to 0.64, the ratio of the asymmetry coefficient to the coefficient of variation is basically 2.0. The intra-annual distribution of sediment flow for all rivers in the region is characterized by unevenness. The predominant part of the annual discharge of sediments (95%) occurs in the spring months, increasing to the east of the region. The largest part of the spring runoff is in April. The average annual turbidity in the rivers of the study area varies from 14 to 1,580 g / m3, the average multi-year maximum is from 250 to 500 g / m³ in the western regions to 500 to 1,000 in the center and 1,000 to 2,500 g / m³ in the eastern regions .
The rivers of the Moksha basin, flowing along the Oka-Don lowland, form wide valleys with plain floodplains and terraces above the floodplain in conditions of flat terrain. For the rivers of the Sura basin (Privolzhskaya Upland), active erosion and deep valleys are characteristic. In the summer, they become shallow to small watercourses, in spring they are stormy. For rivers, especially the Moksha basin, there is a small drop and a relatively slow flow (0.1-0.4 m / s). The width of the channels (as well as the valleys) increases downstream, but this regularity in certain areas is disturbed by local features (tectonic structures, lithological formations, etc.).
Rivers have mixed food: snow is prevalent - 60-90%, underground - 7-20, the value of rain summer-autumn flood 5-10%. The water discharge is largely affected by the catchment area. The greatest average annual consumption is in Sura, Moksha, Alatyr. By the nature of the intra-annual distribution of runoff, the rivers belong to the Eastern European type, which is distinguished by a high spring flood, low summer and winter low water, high runoff during the autumn period.
Flood begins in late March - early April, reaches a maximum in mid-April, falls to the middle of May. The climb lasts 10-12, the recession takes 20-25 days. In the years of early or late spring, the floods are shifted by 1-2 decades. On average, for a long period the snow runoff is 87-99%, rainfall - up to 3, underground - 1-10%. At the beginning of June, a stable low water level is established on most rivers, continuing until the beginning and the middle of October. The increase in runoff in the warm season is observed annually, but there are no clearly defined rain floods in certain years. In late November - early December, a winter low-water season is established.
The average annual flow modulus ranges from 3.5 to 5 l / s per 1 km.
The water temperature depends on the season and the length of the rivers, it varies under the influence of the waters of the tributaries and the discharge of groundwater. The maximum temperature at the surface in the summer is about 20 ºС. Ledostav usually formed in late November - the first half of December, lasts 4-5 months. The thickness of ice at the end of winter is 40-60 cm, and in cold, little snow-covered winters - up to 1 m.
The flow of sediment of rivers is determined mainly by the processes of plane flushing. The predominant part of the annual run-off of sediments (75-95%) occurs in the spring months, the smallest - in winter (1-4%). Turbidity of water depends on the planar erosion in the basin. The average annual turbidity varies from 100 to 500 g / m3 during the spring flood to 25-50 g / m3 during the summer-autumn and winter seasons.
According to the chemical composition of the water of rivers belong to the class of hydrocarbonate. Their mineralization is on the average 200-500 mg / dm3.
Moksha, the second largest river in Mordovia, is the right tributary of the Oka. Its length is 656 km (in the Republic of 320 km). The catchment area is 51,000 km2 (in the republic there are 13,920 km2). The river originates south of the river. Mokshan village of the Penza region, flows into the Oka at a 350-kilometer distance from the mouth in the Ryazan region. The average annual water discharge from Temnikov is 55.2 m3 / s. The greatest depth of the Moksha in the region of the confluence of the river. Sivini - 11.0 m (Sivinskaya pit). The width of the floodplain reaches 10 km. The bottom of the river is predominantly sandy, the plains are muddy, on the rapids - stony (upper-Carboniferous limestones). The total mineralization is 330-680 mg / l. The largest tributaries of Moksha in the territory of Mordovia are Issa, Sivin, Urkat, Satis, Urey, and Big Axel. In Mordovia on Moksha there are the cities of Kovylkino, Krasnoslobodsk, Temnikov, with. Tengushevo.
Sura is the right tributary of the Volga. It originates from. Sursky Peaks of the Ulyanovsk region, flows in the Penza, Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod regions, in Mordovia and Chuvashia. Its length is 841 km (120 km on the territory of the republic), the catchment area is 67,500 km2, the density of the river network is 0.47%, the lakes and marshes are less than 1%. Sura is a flat river with a moderately winding riverbed. The depth of the river varies from 0.3 to 0.7-0.8 m on the ruts, from 3 to 5 m on the reaches. The current velocity is from 0.3 to 1.0 m / s. The coefficient of density of the river network is 0.24 km / km2. The width of the Sura channel is 80-160 m. The annual water discharge in the range is from. Kadyshevo 98.5 m3 / s, the average flow modulus is 3.6 l / s from 1 km2. The average annual mineralization of water is 400-550 g / dm3. The largest rivers of the Sura basin in the territory of Mordovia are Alatyr, Insar, Piana. On Sura is located the regional center of Mordovia - the village of Bolshie Berezniki.
Alatyr is the left tributary of Sura. Its length is 296 km (in Mordovia is 130 km). The basin area is 11,200 km2 (in Mordovia 7,880 km2). It starts in 9 km to the north-west from. Alatyr of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Coefficient of tortuosity 1.48. Average water discharge at the river. The village of Turgenevo is 40.3 m3 / s. The density of the river network is 0.57 km / km2. The pool is sharply asymmetric: the right bank is 74%, the left bank - 26% of the total area. Meadow steppes, broad-leaved and mixed forests are widespread. Swamps are lowland. On the territory of the Alatyr basin, the area of lakes is less than 1%, mires - less than 1%, forests - 25%. Mineralization of water 300 - 450 mg / dm3. The main tributaries are the Irset, Rudnya, Kemlyatka, Insar, Nuya, Ineleika, Barakhmanka. Alatyr is located in the city of Ardatov, r. village of Turgenevo.
Insar is the right tributary of Alatyr. The length of the river is 168 km, the area of the basin is 3,860 km2 (on the territory of the republic is 3,820 km2). Insar starts at 5 km from the village. Boldovo Ruzaevsky district. The density of the river network is 0.62 km / km2. Coefficient of tortuosity 1.59. The basin is mostly plowed up. Lakes and swamps occupy less than 1%, forests - 8% of the total area. The food of the river is mixed. The average water discharge in Insara near Saransk is 7.96 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.7-4.0 l / s with 1 km2. The main tributaries are Karnai, Tavla, Penzyatka, Amorda, Big Atma, Ladka. The average mineralization is 300-450 mg / dm3. On the river are the cities of Ruzaevka, Saransk, r. the village of Romodanovo.
Issa is the right tributary of Moksha. The length is 149 km (within the republic 98 km). The basin area is 2 350 km2 (in Mordovia is 1,790 km2). Issa originates from the village of Bereznikovsky in the Luninsky district of the Penza region. Flows through the secondary morainic plain. The width of the channel in the lower reaches 50 m. The average depth in the lower reaches is 1.0 - 1.5 m. The coefficient of tortuosity is 2.11. The density of the river network is 0.43 km / km2. Average water discharge at. The reserve is 6.71 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.47 l / s with 1 km2. The main tributaries are Insarca and Seitma. On Issus is located the city of Insar.
Sivin is the right tributary of the Moksha. The length of 124 km, the area of the basin is 1,830 km2 Sivin originates from the river. etc. Kadoshkino. The density of the river network is 0.54 km / km2. The width of the channel in the lower reaches reaches 30 m, the depth is 3 m. The bottom is sandy, near the village. Sivin stony (limestone). Coefficient of tortuosity 1.52. The average water flow is 4.4 m3 / s, the flow module is 4.0 l / s with 1 km2. The prevailing flow velocity is from 0.02 to 0.4 m / s. Mineralization of water 300-400 mg / dm3. Transparency 0.3-0.5 m. The largest tributaries of Sivini - Ozhga, Avgura, Shishkeevka, Modaevka. On the river is the district center of Old Shaygovo.
Wad is the left tributary of the Moksha. The length is 222 km (within the limits of Mordovia 114 km). The basin area is 6 500 km2 (4 330 km2 on the territory of the republic). The river originates from Pokrovka village of the Penza region and flows in the western part of Mordovia along the water-glacial plain. The width of the channel reaches 30 m, the depth is about 1 m. On the banks in the low water the depth varies from 0.20 to 0.30 m. The coefficient of tortuosity is 1.56. The density of the river network is 0.35 km / km2. Average water discharge at. Avdalovo is 7.47 m3 / s. The average flow modulus is 3.85 l / s from 1 km2. The largest tributaries on the territory of the republic are the Partz and Javas. Settlements on the river: Zhukovka, Vadovskie Selishchi.
Partzha is the right tributary of Wada. The length is 117 km (92 km in Mordovia), the basin area is 2,700 km2 (2,200 km2 on the territory of the republic). It originates from. Abashevo in the Penza region. The density of the river network is 0.33 km / km2, the channel width is up to 15 m, the depth is up to 1.5 m. The average long-term flow modulus is 3.42 l / s with 1 km2. On the river is the regional center of Zubov Polyana.
Hydrochemical characteristics of surface waters
In terms of the amount of mineralization, the surface waters of Mordovia during the spring high waters refer to waters with very small and small mineralization. This is due to the fact that with the beginning of snow melting, waters with a small mineralization are formed on the surface of the catchments. They are partly filtered into the aeration zone, the remaining part flows into the river network, thereby reducing the mineralization of river waters. The mineralization of waters in high water ranges from 60-130 mg / dm3. The lowest values are observed in high-water high waters. During the summer season, when river feeding is mainly due to groundwater, the salinity of surface waters is significantly increased, varying from 350 to 680 mg / dm3. During the winter period, when there is no surface nutrition, salinity of river water reaches 750 mg / dm3.
River sediment discharge
The coefficients of variation of the flow rate of the solid run vary from 0.35 to 0.64, the ratio of the asymmetry coefficient to the coefficient of variation is basically 2.0. The intra-annual distribution of sediment flow for all rivers in the region is characterized by unevenness. The predominant part of the annual discharge of sediments (95%) occurs in the spring months, increasing to the east of the region. The largest part of the spring runoff is in April. The average annual turbidity in the rivers of the study area varies from 14 to 1,580 g / m3, the average multi-year maximum is from 250 to 500 g / m³ in the western regions to 500 to 1,000 in the center and 1,000 to 2,500 g / m³ in the eastern regions .