
The Republic of Mordovia occupies the 13th place among the regions of the Volga Federal District in terms of population. The region's share in the total population of the Russian Federation is 0.58%. According to the 2010 census, 834.8 thousand people were registered. The total population density is 31.9 people / km2, rural - 12.6 people / km2.

In comparison with 2002 (888,7 thousand people), the population of the republic decreased by 53,9 thousand people, or by 6,1%. The number of urban population decreased in comparison with the census of 2002 by 27.2 thousand people, or by 5.1%, rural - by 26.8 thousand people, or by 7.5%. The main reason for the decline in the population is its natural decline. The share of six municipal districts of the republic (Elnikovo, Kochkurovsky, Ichalkovsky, Tengushevsky, Ruzaevsky and Chamzinsky) accounts for 75 to 88% of the total loss.

Despite the decline in the urban population, urbanization continues in the republic. The share of urban population increased during this period from 59.8 to 60.4%. In total, 504.6 thousand people live in cities, 328.7 thousand people live in rural areas. (as of January 1, 2011).

As of 2011, there were 7 cities and 14 urban-type settlements in the Republic of Mordovia. Compared to 2002, the number of urban-type settlements decreased by 4 (Zykovo, Kemlya, Bolshaya Elhovka and Shiringushi in 2003 and 2004 were converted into rural settlements).

Of the total urban population, 84.6% live in cities. More than half of all citizens (64.6%) are concentrated in the city of Saransk (on January 1, 2011).

As of January 1, 2011, there were 1,248 rural settlements in the territory of Mordovia with a population of 328,700 people, which was 95% by 2002. A decrease in the rural population is observed in almost all municipalities, except for Lyambir, Ichalkovsky and urban district of Saransk. The largest decrease was recorded in Kadoshkinsky (29.2%), Insara (22.2%) and Temnikovskoye (21.7%), and the lowest in Ruzaevsky (1.2%). Almost 2/3 of the rural population live in villages with a population of more than 500 people.

According to the population census of 2010, the country has seen a significant increase in the number of women (450.9 thousand) over the number of men (383.9 thousand) characteristic of Russia. The number of men in comparison with their number in 2002 decreased by 24.7 thousand (6.0%), women - by 29.3 thousand people. (6.1%). The ratio of men and women has not changed, but the number of men is declining faster than women, respectively 0.89 and 0.87%.

Every year more boys are born in the republic than girls. In 2010, there were 104 boys per 100 girls. The stable excess of the number of women over the number of men begins at the age of 39 years. Their main cause is high mortality, especially in working age (43.2% of the total number of deceased men). With increasing age, the difference becomes more significant.

In 2010, the number of children and adolescents aged 0-15 years decreased, and the proportion of the population under the age of working age was 14.3% of its total number. The number of people of working age has decreased, and their share has made 62.5%. The proportion of people older than working age increased and amounted to 23.2%. The lowest proportion of the population under the age of working age in the total number is noted in the Kochkurovsky municipal district (12.0%), and the highest figure was recorded in the Atyurievsky (17.1%).

Almost one third of the total population belongs to older persons of working age in Bolshebereznikovsky (33.3%), Kovylkino (32.2%) and Dubna (31.2%) municipal districts.

The largest share of the working-age population in the total number is recorded in Zubovo-Polyansky (69.2%), Lyambirsky (63.5%) districts and in cities of republican subordination - Saransk (65.1%) and Kovylkino (62 , 4%), and the lowest - in Bolshebereznikovsky (52.6%), Kovylkino (55.1%) and Dubna (54.7%) areas.

The changes that occur in the age structure of the population entail a change in the indices of the demographic burden. As of January 1, 2009, there were 587 disabled people per 1,000 persons of working age (at the beginning of 2008 - 582). The burden of children and adolescents aged 0-15 years was 227 people (at the beginning of 2008 - 228), the elderly - respectively 360 and 354 people.

The decline in numbers is mainly due to natural population decline, and also partly because of migration outflows to other regions of Russia. In 2010, an increase in the number of births was registered in 9 municipalities, and in 14 there was a decrease in the number of deaths. In the republic, the excess of the number of deaths over the number of births was 1.7 times. In 2010, in comparison with 2009, the number of children who died before the age of 1 year decreased by 4 people, or by 7.4%. In 2009, the average life expectancy in the republic was 69 years. Women live 13 years longer than men. The average age of the inhabitants of the republic is 40.3 years (in Russia - 38.8), including men - 37.4 years, women - 42.7.

2010 was characterized by a decrease in the migration activity of the population. However, compared to 2009, the volume of migration (the amount of arrivals and departures) increased by 14.7%. About 57% of population movements are related to intra-republic migration. 2010 was characterized by an increase in the outflow of population from rural areas. Its value was 3 357 people. (in 2009 - 2,908 people). The Republic of Mordovia loses its permanent residents due to interregional migration. The migration loss for this stream in 2010 was 2,780 people. In the exchange of population with the countries of the near abroad, the republic has a stable positive balance. This type of migration in comparison with 2009 decreased by 34.6%.

An important social goal is to protect public health. There are 52 hospital establishments in the republic. The total number of hospital beds is 8 827. The number of doctors of all specialties is 4 313 people, that is, 51.7 persons are physicians. per 10 000 inhabitants. In the republic in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce morbidity in all age groups. The main types of diseases are respiratory diseases (21.6% of the total number of cases), circulatory system (14.4%), musculoskeletal system (7.6%).

In the sphere of labor and social protection of the population of the Republic of Mordovia, there are 22 integrated social service centers that are multidisciplinary institutions capable of providing a variety of types and forms of services to elderly and disabled people, depending on their need for social support. To help pensioners and people with disabilities who have partially lost their ability to self-serve, there are 75 social welfare offices at home.

The welfare of the population of the republic is characterized by indicators of the level and quality of life. Average per capita monetary income in 2010 amounted to 10.89 thousand rubles, an increase of 2.2 times in comparison with 2006. Real disposable cash income increased by only 69.2%. The average size of the assigned pension is 6.82 thousand rubles.

The share of the population with cash incomes below the subsistence level in 2010 was 19.7%, the income differentiation ratio was 11.6 times, and the index of their concentration was 0.371.

Density of population and population of settlements


Age composition of the population


Health protection


Urban population


Density of rural settlements




