The area is 816.5 km2. The population is 10.7 thousand people. (2010). Center - with. Kochkurovo.
The region is located in the south-east of the republic in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Volga Upland, in the southeast - the Sura valley with coniferous and mixed forests on the terraces above the floodplain. In the steppe pine forests of the above-floodplain terraces of Sura, there are rare species of plants such as small-flowering resin and lily-leaf bells; in the upland oak forests of the eastern part of the region - clover lupine, digitalis large-flowered. More than 120 springs are protected in the district. Of the specially protected areas on its territory, it is especially important to single out the swamp of the "Lepecha" near. Tyaglivka, a section of pine forest in Sabaevskoe forestry, Lake Pleten pilge near. Mordovian Davydovo and Chevan ermke in the Sabaev forestry.
On the territory of the Kochkurovsky district 47 monuments are registered: 18 - history, 11 - art, 18 - archeology. The oldest elements of the cultural landscape are Sabaevskoye settlement of the Bronze Age, numerous mounds in the meadow-steppe complexes: voevodskie, taneievskie, kochkurovskie, Semilei, Old Pyrmen and others.
Memorable dates of the district: 1925 - the formation of the Kochkurov Mordovian national parish; 1932 - commissioning of Kochkurovsky and Sabaevsky hemp plants; 1970 - the opening of the House Museum of the Honored Teacher of the School of the MASSR A. P. Lavrovskaya in the village of. Sabaev; 1994 - 10-day exhibition of wooden plastics "Erzians in St. Petersburg" from. Podlesnaya Tavla.
On the territory of the municipality, deposits of brick loam (Sabaevskoe), construction sand (Voevodskoye-1, Voevodskoye-2) have been explored. The upper and medium-carboniferous aquifers are exploited. Reserves of groundwater 50,4 thousand m3 / day, of which 26,7 thousand m3 / day have a mineralization up to 1 g / dm3. According to the chemical composition of water, hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride magnesium-calcium-sodium. To improve the conditions for water supply to the population of the Kochkurovsky District, prospecting and exploration work is prospective for identifying and exploring deposits within the limits of the development of the aquifer of the Upper Cretaceous horizon.
The southeastern border of the region runs the river. Sura. Surface water sources on its territory are represented by small rivers Pyma, Karnay, Vyas, Umys, etc. In the 1980s. in the region, 4 dams were built for water irrigation irrigation. The total volume of created ponds is 10 378 thousand m3. The largest of them is a pond on the river. Karnay. In the district, the resources of surface runoff can be more fully utilized by creating seasonal regulation reservoirs. The created reserve of surface waters could be used in agricultural production, fish farming, for recreational and other purposes. In the floodplain of Sura, there are many lakes of old origin.
Agricultural lands are located on chernozems (59%), gray forest (27%), sod-podzolic (1%) and floodplain soils (3%). On interfluvial spaces, considerable oak groves have been preserved. Pine and mixed forests grow on the sandy terraces above the floodplain. There are meadow steppes. Under forests 29.0% are occupied, under bushes - 1.9% of the area.
The area is agricultural. Here there are 5 main budget-forming agricultural enterprises: the agricultural production firm Norov, which occupies a leading place in the economy of the region, the agricultural firm Tavla, Lisma-Niva-2, the agricultural complex Sabaevo, the agrofirma Rodina. The federal highway Nizhny Novgorod - Saransk - Penza runs through the territory of the district. All the central villages are connected by roads with a hard asphalt surface. The Kuibyshev Railway passes through the territory of the district. The area is gasified. In the valley of Sura there are children's health camps and rest homes.
Kochkurovo - Erzya village on the river. Parme (Karnay); district center (since 1928). Population 3,2 thousand people. (2010). It is located in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Volga Upland. It was founded in the middle of the XVI century. The name is anthroponym: the first settler was Mordvin with the pre-Christian name Kochkur. At the end of XIX century. There were schools, potash and distilleries, a church, a school, medical and veterinary stations, water and windmills, churns, smithies. The alley of Glory was established in the village, monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War and VI Lenin were erected. The church of the Nativity of Christ has survived.
In the vicinity of the village are distributed valuable agricultural land, which limits the increase in the area of the settlement. The development of the residential area is possible to the east due to less valuable land. Currently, the village has a dairy plant, a district industrial complex and other enterprises of the agro-industrial complex; a comprehensive school, a school of arts, a house of creativity, a library, a culture center, a cinema, a district hospital.
New Turdaks - Erzya village, located on the river. Vyas. The layout of the settlement is a street linear with elements of radial development. The population is 444 people (2010). Name-anthroponym: the personal pre-Christian name Turdak (Turgak). In the village there is a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The village of Novye Turdaki is the homeland of Mordovian folk storyteller FI Bezzubova (1880 - 1966).
Podlesnaya Tavla - Erzyan village on the river. Tavle (Talve). The layout of the settlement is street linear with radial elements. The population is 600 people. (2010). The name of the Turkic origin: tau (tav) - a mountainous place and -la (Turkic-ly) - topoform with the meaning of collectivity, the presence of something. A monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, memorial plaques on the building of the school where the Hero of the Soviet Union IS Kudashkin (1922-1944) and the People's Artist of the MASSR VS S. Kiushkin (1915-2000) were installed in the village. Podlesno-Tavlin experimental children's art school works in the village; the center of mountain skiing is formed.
The region is located in the south-east of the republic in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Volga Upland, in the southeast - the Sura valley with coniferous and mixed forests on the terraces above the floodplain. In the steppe pine forests of the above-floodplain terraces of Sura, there are rare species of plants such as small-flowering resin and lily-leaf bells; in the upland oak forests of the eastern part of the region - clover lupine, digitalis large-flowered. More than 120 springs are protected in the district. Of the specially protected areas on its territory, it is especially important to single out the swamp of the "Lepecha" near. Tyaglivka, a section of pine forest in Sabaevskoe forestry, Lake Pleten pilge near. Mordovian Davydovo and Chevan ermke in the Sabaev forestry.
On the territory of the Kochkurovsky district 47 monuments are registered: 18 - history, 11 - art, 18 - archeology. The oldest elements of the cultural landscape are Sabaevskoye settlement of the Bronze Age, numerous mounds in the meadow-steppe complexes: voevodskie, taneievskie, kochkurovskie, Semilei, Old Pyrmen and others.
Memorable dates of the district: 1925 - the formation of the Kochkurov Mordovian national parish; 1932 - commissioning of Kochkurovsky and Sabaevsky hemp plants; 1970 - the opening of the House Museum of the Honored Teacher of the School of the MASSR A. P. Lavrovskaya in the village of. Sabaev; 1994 - 10-day exhibition of wooden plastics "Erzians in St. Petersburg" from. Podlesnaya Tavla.
On the territory of the municipality, deposits of brick loam (Sabaevskoe), construction sand (Voevodskoye-1, Voevodskoye-2) have been explored. The upper and medium-carboniferous aquifers are exploited. Reserves of groundwater 50,4 thousand m3 / day, of which 26,7 thousand m3 / day have a mineralization up to 1 g / dm3. According to the chemical composition of water, hydrocarbonate-sulfate-chloride magnesium-calcium-sodium. To improve the conditions for water supply to the population of the Kochkurovsky District, prospecting and exploration work is prospective for identifying and exploring deposits within the limits of the development of the aquifer of the Upper Cretaceous horizon.
The southeastern border of the region runs the river. Sura. Surface water sources on its territory are represented by small rivers Pyma, Karnay, Vyas, Umys, etc. In the 1980s. in the region, 4 dams were built for water irrigation irrigation. The total volume of created ponds is 10 378 thousand m3. The largest of them is a pond on the river. Karnay. In the district, the resources of surface runoff can be more fully utilized by creating seasonal regulation reservoirs. The created reserve of surface waters could be used in agricultural production, fish farming, for recreational and other purposes. In the floodplain of Sura, there are many lakes of old origin.
Agricultural lands are located on chernozems (59%), gray forest (27%), sod-podzolic (1%) and floodplain soils (3%). On interfluvial spaces, considerable oak groves have been preserved. Pine and mixed forests grow on the sandy terraces above the floodplain. There are meadow steppes. Under forests 29.0% are occupied, under bushes - 1.9% of the area.
The area is agricultural. Here there are 5 main budget-forming agricultural enterprises: the agricultural production firm Norov, which occupies a leading place in the economy of the region, the agricultural firm Tavla, Lisma-Niva-2, the agricultural complex Sabaevo, the agrofirma Rodina. The federal highway Nizhny Novgorod - Saransk - Penza runs through the territory of the district. All the central villages are connected by roads with a hard asphalt surface. The Kuibyshev Railway passes through the territory of the district. The area is gasified. In the valley of Sura there are children's health camps and rest homes.
Kochkurovo - Erzya village on the river. Parme (Karnay); district center (since 1928). Population 3,2 thousand people. (2010). It is located in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Volga Upland. It was founded in the middle of the XVI century. The name is anthroponym: the first settler was Mordvin with the pre-Christian name Kochkur. At the end of XIX century. There were schools, potash and distilleries, a church, a school, medical and veterinary stations, water and windmills, churns, smithies. The alley of Glory was established in the village, monuments to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War and VI Lenin were erected. The church of the Nativity of Christ has survived.
In the vicinity of the village are distributed valuable agricultural land, which limits the increase in the area of the settlement. The development of the residential area is possible to the east due to less valuable land. Currently, the village has a dairy plant, a district industrial complex and other enterprises of the agro-industrial complex; a comprehensive school, a school of arts, a house of creativity, a library, a culture center, a cinema, a district hospital.
New Turdaks - Erzya village, located on the river. Vyas. The layout of the settlement is a street linear with elements of radial development. The population is 444 people (2010). Name-anthroponym: the personal pre-Christian name Turdak (Turgak). In the village there is a monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The village of Novye Turdaki is the homeland of Mordovian folk storyteller FI Bezzubova (1880 - 1966).
Podlesnaya Tavla - Erzyan village on the river. Tavle (Talve). The layout of the settlement is street linear with radial elements. The population is 600 people. (2010). The name of the Turkic origin: tau (tav) - a mountainous place and -la (Turkic-ly) - topoform with the meaning of collectivity, the presence of something. A monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, memorial plaques on the building of the school where the Hero of the Soviet Union IS Kudashkin (1922-1944) and the People's Artist of the MASSR VS S. Kiushkin (1915-2000) were installed in the village. Podlesno-Tavlin experimental children's art school works in the village; the center of mountain skiing is formed.