

Use of forest resources. Forest use traditionally means harvesting of wood, which is carried out with continuous logging, carried out in overmature and ripe stands.

According to the data of the forest fund accounting as of January 1, 2011, the total stock of wood of the main forest-forming species in the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia amounted to 110.51 million m3, including 38.20 million for the coniferous farm, - 13.69 million, soft-leaved - 58.04 million m3.

The estimated felling area for solid and selective felling of mature and overmature forest stands is 1,089.4 thousand m3, including 111.1 thousand m3 for coniferous farming, 88.3 thousand m3 for hardwood, 890 m3 for softwood, 0 thousand m3.

Actual logging makes up 28.3% of the accepted cut-off area.

Altogether, 29 forest plots with an area of ​​326.9 thousand hectares with a fixed volume of timber harvesting of 594.6 thousand m3 were leased out, 5 forest plots with an area of ​​18.1 thousand hectares for agriculture and hunting for hunting and hunting - 9 forest areas with a total area of ​​154 hectares, 1 forest plot with an area of ​​888 hectares for the implementation of research and educational activities, 40 forest areas with an area of ​​78.3 hectares for recreational activities, for geological exploration of minerals, 13 forest areas with an area of ​​120.9 hectares, 13 forest areas with an area of ​​120.9 hectares, 23 forest areas with an area of ​​110.4 hectares for the construction, reconstruction and operation of line facilities, 3 forest areas with an area of ​​2.66 hectares for processing timber and other forest resources.

Felling forest plantations in the care of forests. Thinning cuttings are carried out with the purpose of growing highly productive forest plantations of valuable tree species, improving the quality and sanitary condition of forests. In 2010, they were carried out on an area of ​​5,1 thousand hectares, 70,8 thousand m3 of liquid timber were harvested. Care for young growth is carried out on an area of ​​2,676 hectares with a plan of 2,657 hectares, including tenants at own expense - by 1,541 hectares. The intensity of care was 9.3 m3 / ha for forest management 9.6 m3 / ha.

Reforestation. The main method of reforestation in the Republic of Mordovia is the creation of forest crops. Recently, the forest is cut down annually on an area of ​​about 1.2 thousand hectares. Reforestation in 2010 was carried out on an area of ​​1.1 thousand hectares, including the creation of forest crops - by 0.8 thousand hectares, the promotion of natural renewal of the forest - by 0.1 thousand hectares, combined reforestation - by 0.17 thousand hectares.

The introduction of young trees into the category of valuable tree plantations was carried out on an area of ​​1,097 thousand hectares, including through the transfer of forest crops to forest-covered lands -
to 657.2 hectares.

Maintenance of reforestation works with seed material. The territorial forestry of the Ministry of Forestry, Hunting and Nature Management of the Republic of Mordovia in 2010 harvested 222.2 kg of seeds of coniferous species and 8,388 kg of oak tree seedlings. In the complex of measures to increase the productivity of forests an important role is assigned to the quality of the seeds of tree species. In order to ensure the reforestation of high-quality seeds of valuable local and introduced breeds with good hereditary properties, a single genetic-selection complex is created. At present, it includes 608 plus trees, 268.5 ha of plantations, 172.3 ha of certified permanent forest seed plots, 88.35 ha of certified forest seed plantations, 4 ha of plantations, 2 466.5 ha of genetic reserves, 4.3 ha test forest cultures of plus trees and 8.8 ha of geographic cultures. A seed-bearing pine plantation of Scots pine was established on the area of ​​15 hectares in the State Institution "Krasnoslobodskoye territorial forestry".

A nursery base for growing planting material. For the growing of planting material in the Republic of Mordovia there is a permanent basic nursery with a total area of ​​25.0 hectares. The available areas are sufficient to grow the necessary amount of planting material. In 2010, it grew 10 million pieces, including 3 million - from improved seeds.

The land of forest nurseries basically have a low level of fertility, for the increase of which it is necessary to introduce organic and mineral fertilizers and carry out liming of acidic soils. Nurseries lack fertilizers and special equipment.

Harvesting of timber


