Chamzinsky district

Chamzinsky district

The area is 1 009.5 km2. The population is 31.6 thousand people. (2010). Center - r. Chamzinka village.

The region is located in the south-east of the republic in the forest-steppe landscapes of the Volga Upland, where fragments of upland oak forests and meadow steppes with feather grass feather grass, red headband, teresken have been preserved. The area is rich in springs - the "Saint" spring near the village of Alsa, "Alekseevsky" - near the village. Alekseevka, "Neshka Pando Lisma" - at the village of. Large Maresevo, etc. The inhabitants of Chamzinka are very careful about the oak-tree, growing in the village.

In the territory of Chamzha district 65 monuments are registered: 40 - history, 4 - town planning and architecture, 5 - art, 16 - archeology. The oldest elements of the cultural landscape are apraksinsky, stone, malomarevskimi and other barrows, many of which belong to the Bronze Age.

Memorable dates of Chamzi district: 1927 - the formation of Chamzin and Mokshalei Mordovian national parishes; 1928 - the formation of the Chamzi district; 1957 - commissioning of the Alekseevsky cement plant; 1972 - establishment of the Komsomolskaya poultry farm on the basis of the Repyevsky state farm; 1978 - commissioning of a new production line for the production of 5-meter asbestos and technological line for the production of flat slate at the Alekseevsky combine of asbestos cement products; 1979 - commissioning of the complex of complete sets of building structures in the river. Chamzinka village.

The Chamzin district has significant resources of minerals: chalk, marl (Alekseevskoye deposit), brick loam (Saygushinsky), claydite clay (Chamzinskoye). The operational reserves of groundwater are 38.7 thousand m3 / day, of which 14.5 thousand m3 / day have a mineralization up to 1 g / dm3.

The region is located on inter-river territory, which determines the weak supply of surface waters. The largest river is the Nuja River. The volume of used surface water reaches 1,350 thousand m3 per year, which is determined by the operation of water intake from the river. Suri (OJSC Mordovcement). For more rational use of surface runoff it is advisable to build dams on the ravine-beam network, which will allow optimizing water supply to agricultural enterprises, development of recreation and fisheries.

The structure of the soil cover is dominated by gray forest (52%) and chernozem (33%) soils. Natural vegetation is represented by oak forests and meadow steppes. Under the forest, about 19%, under bushes - 2.7% of the area.

The most successful enterprises of the agro-industrial complex are poultry farm "Chamzinskaya", "Mordovian bacon", "Medaevskoe", "Dawn".

The basis of the economy of the Chamzha district is industrial enterprises. On its territory there is a rich deposit of cement raw materials, which became the base for the largest cement producer in the territory of the European part of Russia - OJSC Mordovcement. Other large enterprises located on the territory of the Chamzha district are Lato, the Magma dry construction mortars plant, a complex of building structures, Avtozapchast, a structural unit of the Ulyanovsk association AvtoUAZ, and the milk factory Mechta. The level of gasification reached 96%. In the area there is a developed network of roads with a hard surface. Chamuzhka is a junction of highways. The motorway of republican importance Saransk - Ulyanovsk passes to the south from the village. Through it passes the railway line Krasny Uzel - Kanash.

Chamzinka is an Erzyan-Russian working village (since 1960), located in the upper reaches of the small tributaries of Nui; center of the Chamzi district (since 1928). The population is 9.4 thousand people. (2010).

The settlement was founded in the beginning of the XVII century. in the forest-steppe landscapes on the river. Lurekeke. Name-anthroponym: from pre-Christian Mordovian name Chaunza (Chamza). The development of Chamzinka was associated with the construction in 1893 of the Moscow-Kazan railway. At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. there was a church, a parish school, a post office. In Chaminka, the Michael-Archangel Church (1885) was preserved. A memorial was created to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War, a stele with the names of combatants killed in Afghanistan, a monument to Vladimir Lenin.

In planning terms, the territory of the village is divided into two parts by a railway line. The main residential formation is located to the north of it. The settlement is built up mainly by manor-type houses. Quarters of multi-storey buildings are concentrated in its central part. Territorial development is planned in the northeast direction, along the Saransk-Ulyanovsk road. In the northern part of the suburban zone fertile chernozem soils are common, therefore development of the village in this direction is inexpedient.

Among the industrial enterprises in Chamsk, there are "Lisma - shop number 29", dairy plant "Dream", "Avtozapchast", industrial complex "Chamzinsky", "Jubilee", etc. In the village there are 2 secondary, music and sports schools, preschool institutions, 3 libraries , House of Culture, branches of the School of Arts and MROCM, polyclinic, stadium, 2 tennis courts, the Chamzinsky People's Theater, the ensembles "Digoly" (male) and "Russian Song" were created.

Komsomolsky - a working village, located 5 km to the north-east of the district center. The emergence is associated with construction in the 1950s. Alekseevsky cement plant. At present, it is one of the largest urban settlements in Mordovia. The population is 13.5 thousand people. (2010). In planning terms, Komsomolsky is a compact education. Built up mainly high-rise buildings, one-story manor building is concentrated in the northern and north-western parts. The industrial zone, including Mordovcement, is located 2 km north-east of the village.

Apraksino - a Russian village on the river. Nuet. In the form of settlement, street building prevails. Population 904 people. (2010). Name-anthroponym: servicemen at the Atamar zasechnaya line Apraksiny owned the settlement. In the vicinity of the village there are mounds of the Bronze Age.

Sabur-Machkasy - Russian village on the river. Pergaleyka. The prevalence of street building. The population is 485 people. (2010). The name is an anthroponym of Turkic origin, which goes back to Chuvash's own name Macha and topoformantu-casa - village, village, village. The monuments of history include the building of the former church in the name of the Three Hierarchs (1790s). In the village for more than 120 years one of the oldest vocational schools in Mordovia - SPTU No. 2, which was opened in 1882

Chamzinsky district
