


Cluster-forming industry in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Mordovia is agriculture. Its leading sub-sectors are animal husbandry and dairy farming and poultry farming. Enterprises of plant growing specialize in the production of grain, sugar beet, green peas. The area of ​​farmland is 1.7 million hectares, including arable land - 1.1 million hectares. The share of acreage of agricultural crops is 43.7% of the total area of ​​agricultural land and arable land.

The republic holds leading positions among the regions of the Volga Federal District, and is also among the top five best regions of the Russian Federation for the production of meat, milk, eggs per 1 inhabitant. The four largest agro-industrial enterprises - OJSC Oktyabrskaya Agrofirma, Atemarskaya Poultry Farm OJSC, Chamzinskaya Poultry Farm OJSC and Teplichnoye State Unitary Enterprise of the Republic of Mordovia - are among the top 300 Russian enterprises.


The area with specialization in meat and milk cattle breeding is located in the landscapes of mixed forests of water-glacial plains with gray forest and sod-podzolic soils. This area is characterized by low agricultural development of the territory, more than half of the land is occupied by forest areas. Arable land accounts for less than two-thirds of the area of ​​agricultural land, about one-third occupy natural forage lands, which are dominated by pastures. The share of haymaking is relatively high - about 1/10 of agricultural land. In the arable land, cereal crops predominate (mainly winter rye and barley), the share of pure vapors does not exceed 10%. Livestock mainly relies on fodder obtained on arable land, pastures account for less than 1/4 of all feed. The density of livestock is low, which is due to the low level of intensity of the field feed production. In the herd, cattle predominate in the meat and dairy sector. For the structure of commodity production, a significant predominance of livestock products is characteristic - 95%, including about 9/10 of the output of cattle. Grain is only 3% of the volume of commodity output.

The areas of meat and dairy cattle breeding and grain farming are within the landscapes of deciduous forests and forest steppes of secondary moraine plains with chernozems podzolized and gray forest soils. In comparison with the first region, the agricultural and agricultural development of the territory is substantially increased. The arable land accounts for about 80% of the area of ​​agricultural land, the rest is occupied by natural fodder land, among which pastures predominate. The use of arable land is based on the use of grain-steaming and grain-grass-propagating crop rotations. Most of the arable land is occupied by grain crops, in which the share of food crops increases. Fodder crops account for about one-third of the arable land area, perennial grasses and maize for silage prevail in their crops. In the structure of commercial output about 3/4 is occupied by livestock products. About 15% of all marketable products are in grain. The combination of meat and dairy cattle breeding and grain farming in this area is due to a change in the ratio of land as a result of improving the quality of the soil cover, which allows us to effectively cultivate grain crops here.

The area specializing in dairy and beef cattle breeding, grain farming and beet growing occupies the most fertile soil in the republic in the eastern part of the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe within the secondary morainic plains. Along with milk and meat cattle breeding and grain farming, an important branch of specialization is the cultivation of sugar beet. The location of this high-intensity crop is due to both favorable natural conditions and socio-economic factors. This region is characterized by the highest levels of intensity of agricultural production, especially production costs, labor costs and production of marketable products in terms of energy per unit of agricultural area.

The area specializing in meat and dairy cattle breeding, beet growing and grain farming uses agricultural landscapes of broadleaf forests and forest-steppes of secondary morainic plains with predominance in the soil cover of chernozems leached and podzolized in the east of Mordovia. This territory is characterized by high agricultural and agricultural development. Arable land employs 85% of agricultural land, the rest is in pastures. In the arable land about 60% is occupied by crops of grain crops (mainly barley and wheat). Relatively high territorial concentration of sugar beet crops (about 5% of arable land). In the structure of commercial output, about one-fourth is in crop production, with the predominance of beet-growing products. About 2/3 of all commercial output is meat and milk of cattle. The remaining branches of livestock - sheep breeding and pig production account for 4% of commercial output.

The area of ​​dairy-beef cattle breeding and grain farming is located several areas mainly within the secondary morainic plains of the zone of deciduous forests and forest-steppe. In the soil cover, various types of soils are represented, which affects the plowing of agricultural lands, which varies from 70 to 85%. As part of the natural forage lands, pastures predominate, which are located along valleys of rivers, beams and steep slopes of hills and are characterized by low productivity. More than half of the arable land is occupied by crops of cereals, mainly food crops, fodder crops occupy about 1/3 of the cultivated land. Minor areas are reserved for sugar beet and potato. The structure of commodity output is characterized by a significant predominance of livestock products - more than 80%. Particularly high share of production of cattle - about 3/4, including 35% for meat and 38% for milk.

The area with specialization in dairy and beef cattle breeding, poultry keeping and vegetable growing is located in the immediate vicinity of Saransk and has a pronounced suburban orientation of the economy. Its main functions are to provide the city's population with little transportable and perishable products: milk, poultry products, vegetables and potatoes. The organization of the agricultural territory is characterized by high agricultural and agricultural development. The cultivated lands occupy about 84% of the area of ​​agricultural land. The use of cultivated land is characterized by a wide application of intensive grain-growing and grain-and-turpentry crop rotations. Cereals occupy less than half of arable land. In their composition forage and food crops have equal importance. The share of fodder (47% of arable land) and tilled crops (about 20%) is high. In all, about 2/3 of the arable land is occupied by crops of crops used for animal feed. In this area, the most intensive livestock sectors are represented. The structure of commodity output is characterized by a sharp predominance of livestock products - about 9/10. Its share sharply stands out the share of poultry products - more than half of all commercial output, a significant proportion of milk (21%) and meat of cattle (17%). The specialization of agriculture in this area is decisively influenced by socio-economic factors: the profitability of the economic and geographical situation, good supply of labor resources, highly developed transport infrastructure.


The core of the agro-industrial cluster is the food industry, which accounts for 27.7% of the total industrial production. More than 60 enterprises of this branch are functioning in the republic, including 3 meat processing complexes and 2 meat processing plants, 17 dairy enterprises, two confectionery factories - Lamzur and Lamzur S, Saransk branch of San InBev, 7 alcohol and alcoholic beverage industry, JSC "Canning plant" Saranskiy ", CJSC" Romodanovsky sugar factory ".

One of the largest enterprises of this cluster education is agroholding "Talina". It is an integrated association of companies that provides a full cycle of production, processing and sale of meat products. "Talina" unites 28 agricultural enterprises of meat processing, feed mill production, trade and service industries located on the territory of the Volga Federal District.

The republic has implemented a unique project of federal importance for the construction of the cheese factory "Sarmich". Its production capacity allows processing up to 350 tons of milk per day and producing more than 8,000 tons of cheese per year. "Sarmich" is part of the agro-industrial holding, consisting of milk processing plants and dairy complexes. After reaching the planned production capacity, the holding will enter the top three of the largest cheese producers in Russia.

Agricultural land


Sown areas and productivity of grain crops


Agricultural areas


Processing enterprises of agroindustrial complex




Forage crops


Spring cereals


Sugar beet


Winter wheat




Dynamics of a livestock of large horned livestock


Head of cattle


Dynamics of pigs


Livestock of pigs


Production of livestock and poultry for slaughter


Milk yield
